Natural Stone Walling

What is a garden wall?

What is a garden wall?

Garden walls are low walls generally about 18 to 24 inches in height, typically used to line a landscape feature. A garden wall can act as a barrier or boundary between two features and the rest of the garden, helping to provide more visual and architectural interest to the design as a whole. Depending on the nature or layout of your space, they can also serve a variety of useful purposes, whether it’s stopping soil from sliding down the length of your garden, or simply adding an extra dimension of character, heritage, style, and quantifiable value onto your home.

All of our natural stone walls here at Bridge Street Stone are created with ethically sourced materials, and most of it is produced on-site by our very own stonemasons. The finished result is durable, low maintenance, and weathers beautifully - even under the notoriously temperate British climate! 

What can garden walls be used for? 

Garden walls can be used to fill a variety of practical or aesthetic functions, depending on the nature of the surrounding space. Here, we’ve summed up just a few of the most common.

Soil sliding. Garden walls are often incredibly useful in gardens with steep inclines, as they can prevent soil from sliding down to the bottom. ‘Retaining wall’ is a term sometimes used to describe these types of garden walls. 

Dividing areas. You can also use one or more garden walls to ‘zone’ your garden, dividing it into several distinct areas to make the most out of your outdoor space. For example, you could have a zone for playing, a zone for dining, and a zone for reading and relaxation. Garden walls being used in this way can give you a greater sense of organisation and privacy in your garden, while encouraging a feeling of discovery and exploration. 

Safety. Related to zoning, sometimes sturdy garden walls can serve as useful barriers for closing off sections of your garden that you won’t want to be easily explored, especially by unsupervised pets or children. Barbecues or dining areas are one such example, or paths leading up to a garden shed (which are often filled with tools and sharp implements that children and pets should be kept well away from). 

Beauty. Last but certainly not least, you can also use a garden wall to bring a sheer sense of style to your space. Most garden walls have a distinctively raw and rural feel, making them perfect for adding a wonderfully traditional touch to any environment, whether it’s fitting in beautifully with a country cottage or creating intriguing contrast in a contemporary space.