Gardening is a great way to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Taking a sustainable approach can help you feel closer to nature while having a positive effect on the environment. Not only that, but it's actually easier than you think and, more often than not, budget-friendly! What more could you want?
If you often find yourself out in the garden now the warmer weather has finally hit, and you're thinking of trying a more eco-friendly approach to your plants this year, you've come to the right place! After all, nothing makes Indian Sandstone paving shine like a beautiful backdrop of thriving greenery. So, if you're looking for a way to enjoy the beauty of nature while being mindful of the environment, we've got a couple of tips for you.
Choose native plants and flowers
A great way to get a real leg up in sustainable gardening is by choosing native plants and flowers. What's a native plant? Great question! Simply put, a native plant is one that has evolved to grow in the area where it's found. So, what makes them so special and environmentally friendly? Well, aside from being generally beautiful, native plants and flowers offer a host of benefits to their surrounding environments, including being incredibly durable because they're just as used to our weather conditions as we are. Furthermore, by being a favourite of local pollinators, they improve the biodiversity where they're planted.Now, you could stop here, but if you want to take it one step further, then native wildflowers are the ultimate cheat code to a whimsical, sustainable garden full of colour and wildlife. Wildflowers such as ox-eye daisies, cornflowers, bell marigolds, primrose, honeysuckle and forget-me-nots need very little maintenance when compared to traditional flowers. They don't need much nurturing, making them perfect for those who are looking for a low-maintenance garden that still looks great. This lack of maintenance can help you cut down on costs and carbon emissions, making you and your garden more economically and environmentally friendly!
Be strategic with your planting
You know how they say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail? Well, that applies to gardening, too—well, it's not nearly as dramatic, but it does pay off in the long run to plant strategically! Allow us to explain. If this isn't your first time planting and growing your plants from seed, you've probably had more than a few run-ins with every gardener's number 1 enemy—bugs.It's frustrating to spend time planting and growing flowers, fruits, and vegetables only to have them half-eaten by the time they're ready to harvest or bloom. Don't worry, though; there is a surprisingly sustainable solution, and it's called companion planting.
The convenience of companion planting
Companion planting is basically planting certain compatible plants together so they can scratch each other's backs (or stems, in this case). A great example of the ideal companion plant is garlic. While being extremely tasty and easy to grow, garlic is actually incredibly handy when it comes to keeping unwanted visitors at bay. It's best used in the vegetable patch, planted alongside and in between your carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, kale, fruit trees, and the list goes on.
If growing fruit and vegetables isn't your thing, garlic works exceptionally well with certain flowers, like roses. To keep away aphids, snails, caterpillars, and other insects, just pop three to four cloves in a circle around each of your rose bushes. The sulphur in garlic gets absorbed into the soil and then by the roses, making them seem like less of a snack to insects, protecting them from damage without the need for any nasty pesticides that harm the environment and local wildlife.
Create your own compost
If you start compositing today, you will see the benefits sometime next year, but it's well worth doing if you're looking for a cheap and sustainable way to get nutrient-rich soil for your plants. All you need to get started is a compost bin or any container large enough for your compost mixture.
You'll want to choose a nice shady spot for it to stand because direct sunlight can dry out your compost, especially during the hotter summer months. Once you've got your container set up, you can add anything and everything from your garden and kitchen (providing it's all-natural).
Twigs, leaves, fruit and vegetable scraps all make great additions; just be sure to chop up any large pieces of matter before adding them to your bin, as this will help them break down and turn into compost faster. You want to keep your compost mixture moist but not too wet and give it a good mix now and then to aerate it and speed up the decomposition process, and before you know it, you'll have nutrient-rich, environmentally friendly compost to use in your garden or potted plants.
We’ve only scratched the surface of sustainable gardening, but if you liked these tips, we have plenty more! We love to stay in the know about all things garden-related here at Bridge Street Stone, so we can keep our customers informed on the latest trends, tips and hacks to help you create a beautiful garden around your Indian Sandstone paving!
Choose from a variety of colours and shades, including the timeless Kota Black, sophisticated Kota Black, Kandla Grey, Raj Green, and Golden Leaf. Our experts are happy to help you choose the perfect paving stone to suit your garden's style and enhance its charm.
Get in touch with us today by calling 01282 860571, and let us help you create a stunning and sustainable outdoor space for your whole family to enjoy!